First name: Hope
Middle name: Less
Last name: Romantic
OK, not really but it should be.
I’m Avani -- better known as Savior / Proposal Whisperer / Cheeseball to my Ever After Proposal clients. I am the “you” in “I-couldn’t-have-done-it-without-you”.
You get the point.
I am in awe of everyday couples that find (or want to find) ways of professing and pledging their love on bended knee. While most women take full reign over the wedding planning, they are at the mercy of their boyfriend for the proposal. Men, fear not and listen up: there is help.
Help, meet men. Men, meet Ever After Proposals.
As a Corporate Event Manager for the past seven years, and a professional hopeless romantic for the past twenty-odd years, I decided to finally combine my two passions into a service as a Marriage Proposal Planner. While there's no such thing as a "Certified Marriage Proposal Planner," and the art of proposing isn't an exact science, asking that simple four-word question does require a bit of creativity, some planning and a heavy dose of romance. That's where Ever After Proposals steps in to help take your marriage proposal to the next level.