After six years of snowboarding from the summit of the Vermont slopes, to diving into the depths of the ocean in Jamaica, it was safe to say that Ralph and Deena had experienced many “highs and lows” in their relationship. When Ralph decided it was time to take his relationship to a new height, he soon realized that finding the perfect ring would be the hard part. Finding the spot to pop the question, however, turned out to be... well, a walk in the park. Ralph and Deena -- and his beloved dog, Misha -- have been regulars of Round Valley Park over the course of many past summers. It's their home away from home so naturally, it was on top of Ralph's list for the place to ask Deena for her hand in marriage.
When I first met with Ralph to learn more about his long term relationship and his plans for the future with Deena, he used the term "crossing the bridge" a couple of times. Eureka -- we had found our spot. After working with Ralph in identifying the exact location at Round Valley, Ever After Proposals shared their vision of how the bridge could be transformed into the perfect proposal spot.

Whether you're a hopeless romantic or just plain hopeless, contact Ever After Proposals to see how we can help give you creative, personalized marriage proposal ideas, bring them to life and make you shine as brightly as the ring on her hand. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.